The impact of political-demographic considerations on European attitudes towards parenting and adoption by same-sex couples.
Social Acceptance of Artificial Insemination in Hungary
A comparative analysis across reproduction policy fields in Hungary
A scoping review of the roles of pets in families between 1980-2023 from a gender perspective
Felmérő szakirodalmi áttekintés a szülés körüli anyai tapasztalatok és a társadalmi-gazdasági tényezők közötti kapcsolatról az OECD-országokban
Reproductive Choices and Climate Change in a Pronatalist Context
Attitudes Toward Immigration in Europe. Understanding the Links Between Pronatalism and Voluntary Childlessness
Changes in reproductive policies in Hungary between 2010 and 2022
A scoping literature review of the roles of pets in families –
Social Report 2022
How did the Covid19 pandemic affect reproductive choices in Hungary
Attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination of pregnant and lactating women in Hungary
Resisting Genderphobia in Hungary
Fragile Pronatalism and Reproductive Futures in European Post‐Socialist Contexts
Climate Change Concerns and the Ideal Number of Children: A Comparative Analysis of the V4 Countries; Borbála Júlia Szczuka (2022.)
Attitudes towards voluntary childlessness and immigrants
Ivett Szalma – Marieke Heers
Attitudes towards voluntary childlessness and immigrants: Replacement migration as a way to go?
How did the COVID-19 pandemic change fertility plans in Hungary?
Ivett Szalma – Judit Takács:
How did the COVID-19 pandemic change fertility plans in Hungary?
Exploring Older Men’s Pathways to Childlessness in Hungary
Ivett Szalma – Judit Takács:
Exploring Older Men’s Pathways to Childlessness in Hungary: Did the Change of Policy Regime Matter? (Social Inclusion)