Hungary's failed birth policy - Swiss Radio interview
Hungary goes big on conservative child policy - here's what women say about the system
International Symposium on Medically Assisted Reproduction: Health, Social and Demographic Aspects
Habitat | Ivett Szalma - Lóránt Pélyi - Orsolya Udvari: Reproductive decisions among women dog owners
Hungarians are delaying childbearing further and further - Qubit
Narrow Path to Happiness film screening and roundtable dialogues
Jour Fixe 138 | Ivett Szalma - Boglárka Herke: Interconnections between anti-immigration and pronatalist family policy discourse in Hungary
Jour Fixe 135 | Ivett Szalma - Lóránt Pélyi - Orsolya Udvari: Fears and Barriers to Having Children: Choosing Dog Ownership as an Alternative?
Call for Papers
Involved fatherhood in Europe - Workshop
2024. January 18.