16th Conference of Young Demographers
5-7. February 2025.
Upcoming Conferences
5-7. February 2025.
Past Conferences
7 July 2022, European societies in times of turmoil. Sapshots from the European Social Survey, ESS2022 Budapest Conference, paper : Judit Takács – Ivett Szalma – Gregory Swart: How to Measure Attitudes Towards Gays and Lesbians: Is one dimension enough?
European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG), University of Ljubljana, Szlovénia, paper: Takács Judit - Szalma Ivett: Attitudes towards adoption rights and parenting skills of same-sex couples: Are these comparable?
Mini workshop about Reproduction and societies organized by MTA TK Lendület “Momentum” Reproductive Sociology Research Group