Alexandra Sipos

Alexandra Sipos, PhD, is a research fellow at the Social Science Research Centre. She defended her PhD with summa cum laude distinction at Eötvös Loránd University in 2021. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the recognition of cohabitation and kinship relationships in Hungary concerning marriage equality. Her research interests include human rights and equality issues affecting sexual and gender minorities, particularly the recognition of same-sex couples, the study of sexualities and gender identities, socio-legal studies, and youth policy. In 2019, she participated in the Erasmus+ exchange program at the University of Florence, where she researched decisions of the Italian Constitutional Court. Continuing this research, she received a scholarship from the New National Excellence Program in 2020, conducting comparative research on Hungarian and Italian constitutional court decisions. Since 2012, she has been active in youth policy at national and European levels. Currently, she is involved in various research projects, including a Horizon Europe project (UNTWIST), a Momentum program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA TK "Lendület" Reproductive Decision-Making Research Group), and a project titled Feminist Judicial Decision-Making in Central and Eastern Europe.